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"Everyday, I am keep searching for one thing I believe it is great....

....the seeds of Dream that God planted in my heart.

Believing is powerful. I believe dream does come true."

Miracles belong to those who believe it.




There is Nothing to Worry

"Nothing matters so much that we should throw ourselves into a state of panic about it.
No happening is so important that we should let ourselves be exiled from from inner peace and mental calm for its sake." ~ Paul Brunton

There is nothing to worry about. Let yourself really feel this message. Let it sink deeply into your body and inside your heart. There truly is nothing to worry about because you are always being provided for and taken close care of by the God Source. You can trust that there is a divine power running the bigger show. Behind the scenes it is always there making sure everything that is needed to manifest will manifest so that you become a fully self-realized enlightened being. There is no need to worry, as everything that is unnecessary in your life will not happen. The events, people and situations in your future are all on the divine schedule. Your job is to relax, be grateful and enjoy the journey as much as you possibly can to the very end.

Whenever we worry we are not trusting in life, ourselves or God. We stop believing that there is a highly intelligent all loving conscious force that is here now, leading us deeper into our very being and higher into our greatest ecstasy. Worrying is a symptom that your mind has taken control over you, and you start to believe you are small limited being with limited insight, direction and power. Worrying is a repression of understanding that at the core you are an unlimited soul with infinite power, who is intimately connected to an all encompassing God Source. When you honor this connection you'll find that a day without worry is a day of surrendering to the divine.

No matter how many times you're told not to worry, your mind is still going to return to its habit and try. You cannot permanently stop this old pattern with pure force and will power. The only thing you can do is transcend the mind entirely by realizing the truth of who and what you really are. When you see how amazingly powerful you actually are, the mind becomes a bit embarrassed of its worrying habit and gives up. By looking deeper inside, to your essential nature, you'll find that you are the God Source in essence, and you are not these limiting ideas about it at all. You'll find you are the all pervasive being who is the divine witnesser watching the entire show!

Living as this witnessing awareness means you're no longer believing the illusions the mind is creating are real. You realize that piece of rope you thought was a snake, is just a rope. You are not afraid to pick it up and play with it, and yet you also have the choice to step over it and ignore it. The thoughts flying through your mind are only indicators of what life experience you're having, and have nothing to do with who and what you truly are. Seeing this deeper truth is how you'll transcend the mind completely. The more time you spend seeing what is beyond thought and behind the mind, there will come a day where you are truly free from the mind and the suffering habits it was addicted to.

“It’s unbelievable how much you don’t know about the game you’ve been playing your whole life.” ~Mickey Mantle

When you choose to allow yourself to continuously explore this God Source at your core, you'll find that worry leaves your life completely. It's as if worry was the last tiny snowflake sitting on the hot pavement in Spring. It doesn't stand a chance to exist in the presence of the divine. Yet, to arrive at this place takes vigilance. You will need to become highly aware of the dream you're dreaming, why you're dreaming this particular dream, and who is this dreamer who is inventing this dream you're imagining all day long. You'll need to relax, sit back from the mind and live your life as the One who is awake and has realized the dream is not real. When you make this understanding more important than anything else in your life, you'll discover the most amazing joy, bliss and freedom you could have ever imagined.

To liberate your life from worry forever you'll need to use every feeling and emotion inside you to burn through the dreaming pattern. You'll need to use every obstacle, problem and crisis happening in your life as FUEL to awaken from the dream. It doesn't mean the mind will ever stop dreaming, you just won't be wrapped up in it. That is why painful feelings are a part of life. They wake you and shake you up so that you eventually step back from the dream. Nobody wakes up when life is emotionally comfortable and cozy. They merely fall into deeper sleep.

When you realize how you can use the mind, you are no longer used by it. Every wonderful and horrible feeling becomes like rocket fuel needed to propel you beyond your deeply embedded patterns. Eventually you will stop believing in the mind's illusions, however the only way out of the mind is to go through it. The reward you'll get is a permanent state of gratitude, feeling loved, at peace and completely free! Transcending the mind is the greatest liberation you can experience, and is the main reason why you signed up for this lifetime.

Article from Jafree Ozwald, "There is nothing to worry".

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