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Thank you to visit my blog.

"Everyday, I am keep searching for one thing I believe it is great....

....the seeds of Dream that God planted in my heart.

Believing is powerful. I believe dream does come true."

Miracles belong to those who believe it.




Slow Down Please...

An Angel says, 'Never borrow from the future.

If you worry about what may happen tomorrow and it doesn't happen, you have worried in vain.

Even if it does happen, you have to worry twice.'

So my dear, what you can do to live your life to the fullest?

1. Pray
2. Go to bed on time.
3. Get up on time so you can start the day unrushed.
4. Say 'No' to projects that won't fit into your time schedule, or that will compromise your mental health.

5. Delegate tasks to capable others.
6. Simplify and unclutter your life.
7. Less is more. (Although one is often not enough, two are often too many, don't be greedy)
8. Allow extra time to do things and to get to destinations.

9. Pace yourself. Spread out big changes and difficult projects over time; don't lump the hard things all together.

10. Take one day at a time.

11. Separate worries from concerns.

Sometimes, a situation is a concern, find out what God would have you do and let go of the anxiety. If you can't do anything about a situation, forget it, leave it to Him.

12. Live within your budget; don't use credit cards for ordinary purchases, don't borrow from the future.

13. Have backups; an extra car key in your wallet, an extra house key buried in the garden, extra stamps, etc.
14. K.M.S. (Keep Mouth Shut). This single piece of advice can prevent an enormous amount of trouble.
15. Do something for the 'Kid in You' everyday. Don't be afraid to cry, laugh, play.

16. Carry a spiritually enlightening book with you to read while waiting in line.
17. Get enough rest.
18. Eat right.
19. Get organized so everything has its place.

20.. Listen to a tape while driving that can help improve your quality of life.

Take a break....hah...alright, keep on reading....

21. Write down thoughts and inspirations in a journal.
22. Every day, find time to be alone.
23. Having problems?
Talk to God on the spot. Try to nip small problems in the bud. Don't wait until it's time to go to bed to try and pray when you're tired and sleepy.
24. Make friends with Godly people.

25.. Keep a folder of favorite bible scriptures on hand.
26. Remember that the shortest bridge between despair and hope is often a good 'Thank you Jesus .'
27. Laugh.
28. Laugh some more!
29. Take your work seriously, but not yourself at all.
30. Develop a forgiving attitude (most people are doing the best they can).

Cannot remember all these, no worry, you don't need to. You will only remember those are necessary for you! :D

31. Be kind to unkind people (they probably need it the most).
32. Sit on your ego.
. Talk less; listen more - and show it.
34. Slow down.
35. Remind yourself that you are not the general manager of the universe.
. Every night before bed, think of one thing you're grateful for, that you've never been grateful for before.


'If God is for us, who can be against us?'


Heaven Experience

This video just walked into my space and I trust that, it is God wants me to know about Him.


Expressing Through Words

Today when I am busy to handling some of the emails that I need to reply. I am preparing my angel workshop information, and my heart is blossoming the feeling of love.

I stop eating chocolate cookies since a year ago. I used to eat it almost every week. And today, I just so in the "mood" to buy myself a pack of choc cookies. Just like a mum buying the candies for her children.

When I am walking back to my office, the sense of joy and self-love grow stronger with every step I walk. Hmm...such a wonderful feeling that I had not experienced. And I realize, loving myself is not only the food indulgence, it is something like you respect yourself to move on the direction you prefer, love to hug yourself (I used to feel weird to hear somebody hug themselves), buying yourself favorite cookies or flowers, reading the books that bring you joy. Well, all of these actions radiates the feeling of self gratitude, self appreciation, and self inspiration.

For me, writing blog is one of my favorite self-love action. I am not a kind of person will say love through my mouth, but normally show by action. One of the love I give to myself is writing my feelings in journal and blog. I have many clients know about who I am, my feelings and thoughts from my blogs. And I realize, I am easier to express my emotion and love through words.

I remember one of my childhood incident, I was unhappy with one of the teacher in school, and I was deeply stressed by the school teaching culture. I hoped I can transfer to another high school with a loving study environment. I did not dare to bring this concern to my parents. What I did was, I wrote a letter to my dad at that night, about how I think for my study, and I told them what I truly hope to do in school.

Guess what, finally, I was successfully to be allowed to enroll into another high school. And the outcome was loving, peace, and harmony. I remember my dad even pat my shoulder and said this to me that I will never forget,

"No matter what is the problems, papa and mama always are here with you, to support anything you want to do. Just freely say it out."

Of course, I bursted out in tears. It is the tears of joy and affirmation.

Every now and then, I write letter to myself, no matter is for encouraging, shore up my faith, or keep my spirit high. I found strength in expressing myself through words. :) Last few days, I found a letter that I wrote on last year which was written for my future self. I took out the letter and read it.

Again, it brings tears and love to myself. From the thought I had in last year, now I can use a new eyes to see the past and suddenly everything becomes clearer and seems like a blessing in disguise. No matter it is a good thing or bad thing that happen in our life, God has a purpose for it. Don't rush to unwrapped this gift, let it shows to you by the perfect timing. I always believe, when I do not know what to do, God always knows what He is doing.

So, I have faith that everything is working out perfectly as it is supposed to. All is well and let us live our life in the fullest way.

God blesses you, my dear. :)

Last but not least, a song I want to dedicate to you. "A letter to myself", sing by Angela Aki, named as Temagi. All the best ~


You Deserve the Best

I come across many emails and phone calls about the news of people passing and move on, making new life, changing jobs, getting married, and I am here just good enough to receive those messages.

Life is a continuous journey. Sometimes the outcome of an event may seems like "the end". Well, I have another perspective to perceive those "ending". They simply tell me, wonderful and new things just come in now. "Be patient." I told myself. Things are getting better and more align to what I desire.

Two days ago, I was thinking some wishes and prayers I prayed about 6 months ago. Since I have a God Box, there is where I mail my letter to God. I open up those little messages that I wrote to God. I just could not believe that, my wishes all granted in the very loving and better ways that I cannot imagine.

When you can't get something, simply because God wants to give you the better one. :)

Of course, many wishes and prayers still on God's way. And I have the patient and faith to cope with my life. Now, I tell myself to focus on the intention of love during my morning prayer.

If your problems seem not way out. Hold on, go back to your intention. What you intend to have in your life right now?

When I think about problems, I asked myself, "When I think about problems, will they grant me the feeling of love?" "No." Alright, then I leave it to God and angels. Every moment when things seems "something wrong", I ground myself back to my intention (Love, peace, joy). Ask yourself,

"What I intend to create? So, what can I do now?"

Surprisingly, things are getting better, wonderful and loving people come into my life every moment when I focus on my intention of love. Up until I have no time to think about problems or lacking. It just not worth to give credits to problems. Many left over and keep-in-view projects of mine are now kicked start.

So, this morning when I sit on my office table, I tell myself, "Hey, you look happier."

"Yeah, I think so."

"So what you have done and what you have learned so far?" I questioned myself.

"I no longer need to cling on the feeling of wanting to know the answer. I can let it go in peace. After I let the old go, I welcome the new. I find that life is much easier, lighter, and happier now."

There is nothing more important to listen to yourself and live on the conviction you think. People will respect you when you follow your heart. It is not that easy at first. Trust me, you will enjoy the self respect after you come out from the perspective of "pleasing people", "follow people", or "try to be good"....and some other roles of pleasing people.

Now I learned.

No one can please you, only yourself.

No one can have power to take charge your life, only yourself.

You have the power to control your destiny. Don't give it to others. Live it in faith and love. Soon you will see the fruits of your efforts.


Alone - The Journey of Self Healing...

Many of us are so afraid of "loneliness", there is an emptiness within our heart. It needs family, friends, money, and many things to fill it up. But once you lost all of these, this little place seems collapse.

Only when you allow yourself to go into this "dark" place, you realize, there is "nothing" inside. It simply a feeling of insecure that hunted you. Bringing love and light into this place, and you will find a self healing is something beautiful.

There is no need to fear, when you think God has taken away the one you love most...He simply wants you to know that, you can grow up without relying on anyone or anything. Once you have learned, every beautiful thing come back as soon as you can see.

There is something bigger is showing to you, just like that....

It is nothing to fear when you are alone...

Soon you'll find, the loneliness doesn't last long, it simply a pit stop for you to rest, and then MOVE ON to a new destiny...


The Self Healing Journey...

When I look at this quote, I feel so much peace. This week, I work closely with Archangel Michael on my self healing, especially those emotions that no longer serves me, such as self blame, guilt, I am not good enough, and any others negative belief.

I know there are plenty of us have this inner evil that pull us here and there. We are just like the little puppet of these kind of beliefs. And thanks God, Angel Michael points this to me and give me a chance to heal it by love.

My life difficulties give me opportunities to heal myself and walk out from those emotional abuse. We grow up from different families and most probably, we are influenced deeply from our parents or guardians. There are many good things our parents give for us, meanwhile, there are also some old thinking patterns may tied us from expressing our true self.

"There is nothing wrong with our childhood trauma and phobias, those factors only provide a platform for us to heal from it." I remember Archangel Michael affirms me whenever I call for his help.

There are times I almost give up on the challenges that I faced in life. I was thinking I no longer had the ability to move on. What I do when I was upset by difficulties is to pray. I am not that kind of superstitious person, but I found the practice of praying always grant me the peace of mind, just like someone special from above is listening what I feel in heart. It is like a practice I throw my worry to a trash bin and absolutely rely on the nature to bring me strength. Surprisingly, the outcome always delights me.

The quotes that I attached in this post teaches me to see the positive side of everything. When someone try to criticize or blame you. Take a deep breath, the battle is never about you, but it is arisen within themselves. If you can walk away from all these emotional abuses that caused by the external environment and continuously focus on gratitude and love, only those things radiate with love are drawn to you in the peaceful way.

God blesses you everyday. I pray that you have a marvelous future and rise above from any circumstances.

I can do it.
You can do it.
We all can do it. ;)


The Law of Love

Everytime when I sit in the cafe and having my lunch. I like to observe the pedestrians that walk pass the side walk through the glass window. And, I realize different people carry with their different expressions. They can be a large group of colleague walk together and go for lunch, or a sweet couple holding their hands and walk pass, or he could be an old man look up to the sly and seems like thinking something else...

I hold on the book "The Power" on my hand, and I read about what the author Rhonda Byrne has share in her book.

"The law of attraction is the law of love, and it is the all-powerful law that keeps everything in harmony, from countless galaxies to atoms. It is operating in everything and through everything in the Universe. And it is the law that is operating in your life."

Hmm...those words are true enough in our life. In this Universe, that is a law that governs love. So, if you are keen to have the positive force of love in order to change your life, then please understand this law. There is the most powerful law that exist here and everywhere, the law of attraction.

This attraction itself is the force of love. Why I say so? Look, under the working of law, attraction is the power that draws people from this city to that city, and then they fall in love, and form their family. You may see couple, husband from California and the wife from Boston. And then, you may see this law draws people who share their common interest into the same place. The singer who meet the pianist, the hip hop lover meet up with large group of dancer in dancing school, so and so forth.

Attraction is the force that draw you to your favourite things and places, and it's the force that draws you to your friends and the people you love. And attraction is love. When you feel an attraction to your favourite food, you are feeling love for that food. So, if we without attraction, we would not feel anything. You would not know what you love and what you don't love, because you would not be attracted to anything at all. Your life will not lead you to certain people, clubs, school, hobbies, or cities.

Everything is consisted within the force of love, and through your feeling, you can feel it.

Resist it or Welcome it?

You may have your preference and other may have their own as well. Mostly, people tend to think that

"I must get this then I can only be happy."
"I must have this status then I can only feel complete."
"I must have a new home then I can only have the satisfaction."
and of course you can add on the list if you want.

The point is, the law of attraction is always working under the thought and feeling that you send out. When you complain about you don't have this thing, is this complain bring you better or worse? Complain is a kind of resistance, and it means you do not like what the Universe has brought to you.

If it brings you joy, then you can keep complaining...as I know no one who likes to blame yet can feel the joy and happiness.

If it doesn't bring you any good feeling (joy, happiness, love, peace, harmony), then silently tell yourself,

"I recognize I am surrounded by this feeling that does not bring me good, I accept it with love and light from my heart, and now I choose to let it go. Thank you."

Take few deep breath and open your arm to welcome what had left your body and know that good is coming.

After this, affirm yourself with a power that rise within the center of your body.

"Everything is fine and all is well. I choose to walk into love and peace, by my intention of love, I know the Universe is bringing me all the good into my life. I give thanks to it."

When you say this, continue feeling as if you "already" have the things that you want. And follow your gut and swift your attention to something else that bring you good feeling.

Whenever I need to write my blog, I will bring my journals and notebook to my favourite cafe just in the down-stair of my office. I know I can write my blog in my office, however, I feel the good feeling with the aroma of the coffee, even though I am not a regular coffee drinker. That space and environment brings me joy and the ideas of writing just flow freely from then.

Sometimes, when things seems difficult, I pause on to do everything and just go for a slow walk, either drive my car with my dog or go to a park. It brings me clearer insight and eliminate my ego self to "react" rather than "response" from my higher self.

Of course, the path of joy is a journey. It neverr about a destination. It is a self mastery journey that keep you examine yourself with the intention of love, as always.

May God and angels bless and protect you.

Have a beautiful Friday!


Comes The Dawn

This poem is absolutely beautiful, and I would like to share with you here. Have a marvelous day.

Remember, the future is always awesome, defeat somehow is an ugly wrapped gift in life. Have your patience, give yourself time, and unwrap it. It is indeed is a beautiful and bountiful present given by God.

I love you! :)

Comes The Dawn

By Veronica A. Shoffstall

After a while you learn the subtle difference
between holding a hand and chaining a soul.

You learn that love doesn’t mean leaning
and company doesn’t mean security.

You begin to learn that kisses aren’t contracts
and presents aren’t promises.

You begin to accept your defeats
with your head up and your eyes open
with the grace of a woman, not the grief of a child.

You learn to build all your roads on today,
because tomorrow’s ground is too uncertain for plans,
and futures have a way of falling down in mid-flight.

After a while you learn that even sunshine burns if you get too much.

So you plant your own garden and decorate your own soul,
instead of waiting for someone to bring you flowers.

You learn that you really can endure,
that you really are strong, and you really do have worth.

You learn and learn, with every goodbye you learn.


Thank You to Save Me, Archangel Michael...

The book that I carry this morning...

This morning when I prepare to my office, an inner voice tell me to carry a book that I bought in Australia, "The Miracles of Archangel Michael". I slip the book in my beg and get into my car.

When I drive almost reach the road junction nearby my house, maybe I was not aware there is a car that drive very fast heading to my direction. When I just drive into the main lane, suddenly a loud and clear sound, "Hornnnn....."I was shocked by this sudden car that came out from no where, I do not know what to do as I can only see that car almost bang into my driver seat and a strong voice in my head just shout at me, "Press on throttle and drive out from here." I just press hardly on the gas pedal and....shooo...I saw that car immediately bounce off from my car. The distance between our car is less than 3 inches. I don't know how....but we were saved from banging each other.

When I realized I was almost hit badly, I was shocked and stunned, breath very quickly. I only know my heart was pounding fast and my mouth just keep repeat saying,"Thank you Angel Michael, Thank you Angel Michael, Thank you Angel Michael." And I don't even conscious about what I was talking about at that moment...

Up until when I get back my whole attention in the previous few second, the other car driver was shocked and he look at me and worry about whether or not I am ok. Since we do not know why his car just suddenly bounce off from the main lane and cast into the side lane . I asked myself, "Can anyone tell me what is happening?" At that moment, that words still keep repeating in my mouth, "Thank you Angel Michael. Thank you Angel Michael."

Finally, I only realized, that little voice shouted in my head is Angel Michael. By rational, I should step on my break pedal to avoid the accident, but that voice urge me to drive on immediately, and then, the next scene I saw the other car bounce away from me. "I am so lucky, thank you Angel Michael."

After I left that place, I saw the other car still stopped on that place, I saw the tire trail was mark on the road, then I only feel the horrible fear. I could not imagine what will happen on me if that car just hit right into the direction of my driver seat. "I was saved. Thanks God and Angel Micheal." I keep on calm myself and press on my heart .

Just when I step into the cafe, I put down my beg, and I took out the book that I carry with me this morning, "The Miracles of Archangel Michael". I sooner understand, Micheal are there with me all the time, including, he knows I would be hurt by that accident this morning. That book somehow become my talisman. I could not thanks you enough, Angel Michael. You are so powerful! Thank you for saving me from that life and death situation.

I love you! Michael.