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"Everyday, I am keep searching for one thing I believe it is great....

....the seeds of Dream that God planted in my heart.

Believing is powerful. I believe dream does come true."

Miracles belong to those who believe it.




Me and Life

May be I am right, or I just look around for the answer.
For so long the imposition kill me, I don’t know how.
Sooner and later things happen and I grow,
It bleed at first, but when the wound dried up, I rebirth.
The cover of the truth can never live, since light will be the lead in all the way.
I need not affirmation when I am the one who affirm and stated
Light is my life and grow is my step
You may judge my body but you can never comment on my soul
I live, not because of anyone,
I simply live for LIFE itself.
You may be cool to me, but not for my heart.
In all the way I search for the meaning of man looking for,
I have no answer
When I stop and stare
The answer start to group like a lost puzzle found
It spend no time,
But man likes to use time to measure it.
I look up to sky, there is a board
Which is the one always with me but my eyes can never see it.
Twinkle of my soul light, which will always be the spark of my being.

~Alice Hoo
"I dare to make life by simply live for it!"


I have got an email this morning about manifestation, and I found it helpful to all of us that something we can do in our mind and starting manifest our dream and hope. I will suggest you to read the article below!

You are always manifesting something, whether you are conscious of it or not. You have manifested everything in your life from the shoes on your feet, to the amount of money in your bank, to the quality of every relationship in your life. The truth is you cannot stop manifesting. You are a super powerful manifesting being! So if you were to start consciously using this awesome power, what would you focus on manifesting into your life? Are you focusing on what you want from a place of hoping it will occur, or really trusting it will show up? Are you always conscious of how you are focusing on what you want, or do you tend to manifest things at an unconscious level out of habit? We are always sending out a vibrational energy into the Universe that boomerangs back to us in the form of physical manifestations which reflect the quality of this vibration. The question is what quality of energy are you putting into the thoughts you want to manifest?

"The key to success is to focus our conscious mind on things we desire not things we fear.” ~Brian Tracy

Perhaps you are simply humming along in life, living in a tick-tock 9 to 5 job with the TV as your companion without consciously asking yourself, "What kind of day do I want to manifest today?" Think about it. How would you like to FEEL at the end of today? When we are consciously manifesting, we are more specific, intuitive, and can create more energy around our dream. When we are unconsciously manifesting, we don't exactly get what we really want. It tends to be more hit or miss. We get a little of this and a little of that.

When you start consciously manifesting, you are more present to each moment of your day. You are always refocusing your mind on the amazing wonderful things you desire into your life. As the mind wanders and you refocus it back on what you want, you automatically speed up your ability to attract those things you deeply desire in your heart of hearts. When you are super concentrated on what you want it is like sending out an ultra-strong radio signal to the Universe that is picked up and sent back to you in the form of your manifestation! Whatever you deeply desire to manifest into your life can be yours with these 3 proven steps to become a super conscious manifestor:

“God can dream a bigger dream for you... far beyond anything you could ever imagine.” ~ Oprah Winfrey

1. Increase Your Level of Present Moment Awareness. Are you truly here now, or more like a robot as you go through your day on automatic pilot? You have the ability to be super conscious in every moment of your day. The more aware you are of what is happening in the Now, the easier it is to consciously choose the energy you want to embrace in each moment, and what you want to focus this energy on manifesting in the physical world. Daily meditation is the key to heightening your conscious awareness of your innermost feelings, thoughts, and patterns. When you meditate, you become fully present to what is present now instead of being trapped in the ego games of yesterday and tomorrow. When you are no longer trapped in the ego game, you are automatically more conscious of what is in the present moment and have the ability to consciously create.

2. Consciously Focus Daily On What You Want to Manifest. Start your day with a conscious manifesting routine like the one outlined in The 90 Day Manifesting Program. Make sure that you spend at least 10 minutes in the morning focusing on what you truly want to manifest. One of the best ways of doing this is to spend 10 minutes visualizing that what you want to manifest has already occurred in the physical world with the support of a guided meditation like our "Manifesting Magnet" meditation. This conscious focus creates an energetic blueprint for your entire day where your mind-body automatically aligns with these energies, resulting in the manifestation of whatever you desire.

"We are born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us, it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.” ~Marianne Williamson

3. Refocus your Conscious Energy on your Desire Throughout your Day. As you go through your day, it is key to keep refocusing your consciousness and awareness on the kind of experiences, interactions, feelings, and things you want. It's like adding extra income to an investment that you can cash in at the end of the year. So every so often ask yourself this powerful question, "What am I choosing to consciously focus my mind on now?" You will be astounded at how this simple question can refocus your energy on what you want versus the programmed mind returning to focusing on what you don't want. This question will re-center you, ground you, and support your manifesting vibration to grow! Use the mind in a focused and concentrated way so that the Universe can hear you, and easily answer your request in the form of a physical manifestation.


Written by Jafree Ozwald and Margot Zaher


This is the channel message from the Northern Star, Spirit of Native American.

The northern star of the sky
The blue in the moon
The skeptic of the star
Be always on the light
Shining be never end, the hold of the spirit
Truth being gain from the moon
It always been protected since decades
Shining shining on the star, the blue mountains exist when the end never started again.
Be hold the truth.

The northern star of the sky (Northern star, meaning God, Universe)

The blue in the moon (meaning Angels, guardian spirit, saints, ascended master)

The skeptic of the star (Human)

Be always on the light (Human is always protected and guided by heaven entity)

Shining be never end, the hold of the spirit (this protection will never faded, only if human has the trust and faith)

Truth being gain from the moon (all answer of the problems are given from angels and heaven being)

It always been protected since decades (This truth and law are protected since all things created)

Shining shining on the star, the blue mountain exist when the end never started again. (Shining on the star: All dreams of human, Blue mountain: Faith, End: problems, the dream of human can always created, if he has the faith on conquering, all the problems cannot exist in his life.)

Be hold the truth. (This trust is given onto you, the answer is shown onto you)


How many time, I will allow myself to say a word "if". If I have one more chance, I think I will do better, may be I will. But, I am not sure. If I fail, how can I handle the risk?

Only if I allow myself to go 100% effort, I will only say, "yes, I knew this time I give the best I can, because I have no excuses.

If you think you are beaten, you are.

If you think you dare not, you don't.

If you'd like to win, but think you can't,

It is almost a crinch you won't.

Life's battles don't always go to the stronger or faster man;

But soon or late the man who wins

Is the one who think HE CAN.

I hope you dance, by keeping your climbing faith.

Never let yourself to give up because of your resistance, life does not mean failure, but it worth for a try. Every trial is a success.


Angel Is Here!

Every person has their own angels follow them in their life, regardless you can recognize or not. Angel is the spiritual being that exist among human life and higer plane.

"Do I have a guardian angel? Who is he?" This is the common questions that my clients always curious and wondering about. What I would say is, whether or not you can realised, you are connecting with your angels, when you ask about this question. And the answer is, they are here with you.

In our daily life, we may have feel depress about our heavy job routine, children education fees, or financial crisis, but during the moment we try to figure out the better ways to solve our current problems. We can always have some friends giving advices and guidance, some favourite song playing, or some books just fall into your hand by one of your friends. Even you may have the answer from your friends chatting. These are some of the signs sending from above, Heaven.

I remember I have a crisis running through in one of my friendship, this incident make me live in fear and loss the trust among my close friends. During that time, I can't figure out how can I do to make myself to be a better person rather than live in fear and guilt. Finally, a song coming out from someone mobile phone ringtone when I sat in Starbucks, That's The Way It Is, Celine Dion.

"Don't give up on your faith, love comes to those who believe it, that's the way it is..." This message is like a bell ringing outloud in my mind. Suddenly, an overwheming of love fill in my whole body, and tears fill my eyes...The moment is hard to describe, a strong sense of peace running through my whole being, and I heard a mature lady voice coming from my inner mind, "Is ok, everything is working out in divine order, including this conflict, count on us, we are all stand by yourside." This wonderful message sooth and healed me immediately. And I know this is not my imagination can working out, because I know it can't work so coincidence....and also, nothing is so coincidence.

Don't give up any dreams you have long desire, dream is a great motivator that lead us live our life in passionate ways. Embrace the faith that you have, give your worries to angels. Talk to them every moment when you have doubt. There is no limit to them, the sky is the only limit.

When loneliness start to call, call upon angels, even a word of "help" is useful for them to lead you. Angels do not have a right to interfere our life, unless we put our request upon them. When you seek, you can always find your help from them...Trust them! They are here with you right now, when you read until here. Be blessed!