Everyday, I have consult different clients with their problems and issues being waited for me to giving advices. After all of this channelling session with clients, finally is my turn to have a rest to spend time alone. Sometimes, I have the time when I feel loss and depress as well. When workshop schedule is tight, blog articles has not posted in forum, next appointment calling beep in mobile phone...etc. I got to ask myself, "God, is it anyone can be my guidance as well, just as same as my clients getting my advice and guidance?"
Surprisingly, God and my guardian angels always answer my call and request. Just as daily routine, I browsing Youtube to get some inspiration idea to arrange the song list that I will use in my workshop. Suddenly, some songs fall into my eyesight and lead me to click on it. One of the songs that really soothing my depress and tense, "I am moving on", by Rascal Flatts.
In the lyrics of the song, it inspires me to moving on without looking back, sometimes somehow we might have difficulties in life. But all of these do not mean to hurt and harm us. Every challenge carry a blessing and lesson. What we need to do just keep moving on, without stagnant and poised.
Huh...what a good song, I believe, this song carry its invisible wing and fly pass my laptop to send me its message. Thanks for my angels' help!
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