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"Everyday, I am keep searching for one thing I believe it is great....

....the seeds of Dream that God planted in my heart.

Believing is powerful. I believe dream does come true."

Miracles belong to those who believe it.




Paranormal (Demonic Possession)

This afternoon, I bumped to meet a friend just after my lunch. We have a brief conversation and talking about the last year personal activities. And just before he left, he told me about one of his staff encounter the issues of possesion (the paranormal phenomenon). He is worrying his business operation and also get headache with this issue happen on one of his good staff.

And after the conversation we had, I am sitting in my office and recall my own experience on this issue call "demonic possession". For my personal experience, I encounter this issue three time in my life. What I can say is, it is not easy for me to forget, yet, every possession experience taught me some lessons.

As we commonly agree, there are many different energies and invisible entities alive in this universe. No matter they are positive force, or negative forces. We share and exist in one universe. Of course, if you are interested with all of this, you may Google search for more details about the dark forces and paranormal activities. There are just have so many incidents and events occurred in this space that the scientist is unable to provide a good explanation.

The symptoms of demonic possession are likely to feel violence, lust, greed, unnatural power of persuasion. You may also can know the weird feeling is controlling over you yet you will have a strong fear to let others to know about.

So back to the topic, this friend of mine remind me about my experience when one of my experience that I have been psychic attacked by a group of dark spirit. I still remember this incident happened on last year August. When that particular night I and my husband was sleep pretty late. During the midnight (as what I can remember), I was dreaming a group of spirits (with ugly faces I can describe, they do not even look like human being, the form of them is weird) bringing me into a dark thunnel, and there is an old school outside the thunnel. I was led by them into this school, and I can see clearly there is a table and there are some stuff I cannot really remember was put on the table, and one of the spirit claimed to me that I must let go my will to be a human being and participate with them. The weird part is, I can see myself sleep in my own bedroom, however, the other screen I was looking myself in this dark place. I yell on my husband for few times, but I can see he was sleeping and feel like he was far away from me (absolutely horrible, until now I still can't believe this experience).

At that moment, I know something was wrong. I saw I was bound by a root and stood in fron of the table, the place is dark and full of bad smell. At that moment, I pray my saint (Mother Guan Yin and Angel Michael). When the moment I shouted Guan Yin for three times, and suddenly I felt I was miraculous released from the root and very fast led back to the thunnel and opened my eyes seeing myself sleep beside my husband with full body sweat.

I was shock with what happen that between I was awake but also seeing another dimension world. I woke my husband up and telling him what was happened to me just a minutes ago. He scratch his head with full of curious. He could not feel anything and he did not listen I yelled on him.

The next morning, I feel stagnant and heavy. I was just panic what to do, just in conjuction a call coming from a friend that we had not contact for half year. She called me due to a master (that I knew this person but never meet before) would like to meet up with me. I was curious why he was interested to see me as I know he was quite famous in Malaysia about his experience in settling demonic possesion.

After we had set appointment and meet up with this master, I came from resistance to finally accept what was just happened to me. When I met up with this master and I could not stop crying (I did not even know what was happened to me). And after he said some words, I was closed my eyes and bend down in fron of him. I can see a strong light coming down on top of me and after I open my eyes, I feel the heavy feeling was gone. Even though I still have the scary feeling with me.

After a week, I feel a lot better. And what a coincidence is, one of my friend meet up with me to request my spiritual reading service, and she gave me a book, "Psychic Attack" written by Robert Bruce (as I know she did not even know my incidents was happen just a week ago). And I found so mean to me to have this book. Because of this book, I found a great ways on how to protect myself from being hurt from dark forces since a lot of psychic, spiritual messengers are vulnerable to all of this forces since the ways of them giving services are normally in touch with spirit world.

So, when I heard about the issues of paranormal, I would suggest those who suspect you may encounter with the symptoms below, you may look for a professional healer or master to have a healing. Trust me, as soon as you feel the weird feeling, more likely you are start encounter or indirectly in touch with them.

The symptoms of demonic possession are likely to feel violence, lust, greed, unnatural power of persuasion. You may also can know the weird feeling is controlling over you yet you will have a strong fear to let others to know about.

I hope my experience and this information can give you some insight of the demonic possession. Remember, whenever you feel vulnerable when you are walking in the dark street alone, having overtime schedule in office (night time), or sleep alone in a hotel room, you may call a saint that you believe or Angel Micheal. Angel Michael is tall angel carrying a long sword. In the past few centuries, he has been helping a lot of souls when they are in difficulties and dilemma. Call for him, he will be there for you. You can mentally imagine he is there with you, and you may have the feeling of ease and comfort will soon release all your fear.

God bless all of you!

1 comment:

  1. I honestly believe that I have been posessed by a demon or negative spirit. I was driving with my now ex husband smoking week which was a 5-6 time a day habit not like I was freaking out. We stopped at a stop sign on the wrong side of town... The next thing I knew all I could smell was kerosene and asked my husband if he could smell it. It almost felt like it was burning my nose hairs. The next thing I know I was running over a block away screaming feeling like I was on fire without the burning. Everyone came outside from the house from the screams while my husband was looking around the car for a fire because that was all I kept shouting...fire ....fire... I know my husband thought I was crazy... and all I could say is... Im not crazy! It felt like the spirit had left but when we pulled up at home I could feel it again trying to get inside me. All I could do was panic and say "Jesus" over and over praying it would leave. I kept telling my husband I could hear it moving around me. He definitely didn't believe me until I said, Shhh ...listen... and immediately as though right in front of us something said loudly and clearly... sshhhh. He was a believer. I prayed and finally the spirit left. Jesus is the only word that seemed to help. It was hard to get through my lips but the word alone seemed to fight the spirit.... I wonder if the burning smell is common among posession. I normally don't tell people about this experience bc they normally laugh hysterically and think Im joking since Im a very comedic person but this experience was anything but amusing
