In the interpretation of English, Uni mean Oneness or one, Corn is represent Horn, a strong weapon on the head of animal to protect themselves when they are attacked. In the angel world, I have my personal experience to get touch with this holy being. By His strong male energy, I feel safe and protected when He appeared in my meditation.
In the ancient teaching, Unicorn looks like goat with horn and lion tail. There are myth stories said that Unicorn existed when someone encounter the difficulties in life or harmed by any external things in environment. Unicorn will show up in human's aura to neutral the poisoning energy(negative thought and feeling). There are real life stories from Internet showing this holy animal spirit appear in human dream to give the strength to walk past the transition difficulties.
I remember in one of my meditation recently. He appeared in my mind eye. I saw an old man with beard. He leaded me into a light tunnel looks like a clear white crystal path. When I asked His name, a word appear in my mind as Unicorn. He transmit the energy of strenth and fearless. I can only describe the energy He vibrates is strong, powerful, and courageous.
When I was writing this journal, I can feel His presence was guiding me to complete the writing. I encourage my students and angel energy practitioner invite Unicorn in your meditation. He is always helpful to everyone who carry a heart with pure love.
You may follow the simple exercise as below to learn the meditation by inviting Unicorn healing energy.
1. take a deep breath and calm your mind, (swith off phone, TV, and other distraction sound machine).
2. close your eyes and enjoy the quietness and silence.
3. visualise a white colour cacoon surrounded you as protection. (You may use your mind to call an angel to be with you during the mediitation). Say quietly in your heart that you would like to invite Unicorn to guide you during this meditation. Say your wish or prayer that you need this angel to guide you.
4. use your heart to feel the silence and ask yourself.
- What I need to learn from this angel?
- What is my feeling is telling me?
- What is my feeling is telling me?
Acknowledge whatever thing come to your mind. Whenever you feel distrated by daily work or stress, gently nudge your attention back to breathing until you feel the calmness.
5. just witness your feeling, thought, and emotion come out from you heart. Angel meditation is not using your logical mind to achieve the inner knowing, it is all about your heart. There is no right or wrong answer. All answers are taylor made from angel to you.
6. once you feel guided, gently lead your attention back to your physical body. Feel the calmness, and open your eyes.
This simple exercise can bring different results vary from individual's practise, consciousness and awareness. Do not think you are not good enough to hear from angels, they are very helpful to guide you if you keep practising. Everyone deserves the help from angel. This is what my angels always telling me.
If you are interested to tune in to this group of angelic beings, you may participate in Angel Workshop that I presented. Sometimes I would self sabotage that I am not good enough to teach, but, my angels and my guides (Jesus and Guan Yin) appear to me to affirm my dream is right on course. (It really take my courage to share this fear to my readers and students, but my angels encourage me to be authentic, since everyone of us is on our learning path, including myself.)
Your guardian angel will guide you to participate certain workshop or seminar. They may lead you to take action which is the answer to your prayers.
When you feel guided, just go ahead with what you want to do! For any issue is holding your heart to do the guided action , ask the angels (Archangel Michael, Raphael, Sandalphon, Azrael) to help you release the fear and bring you comfort to make the right choice that could achieve your goals and dream.
Angel Workshop details are posted in the wall of http://www.alicehoo.com/, I wish you enjoy the exercise! Many blessing to you!
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