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"Everyday, I am keep searching for one thing I believe it is great....

....the seeds of Dream that God planted in my heart.

Believing is powerful. I believe dream does come true."

Miracles belong to those who believe it.



My Services

Individual Reading and Spiritual Healing Session

Angels Reading - US$50 
No matter how difficult are the situations, it turns out into the brighter ways. Everyone of us has the designated guardian angels to be with us fulfilling our lifetime mission. Angels reading session allows you to have a better understand about your purposes in life. No matter you are in transitions or need an answer of prayer, They are here to guide you.

E-Reading - US$50 
Instead of traditional face-to-face reading, Alice also gives e-reading. E-reading is conducted via email.
You may find e-reading helpful if you are:
  • a person who might find it too stressful to talk to a healer face-to-face
  • a person prefer email reading rather than meet up with healer
  • a person with disabilities who has trouble getting around
  • a person who stay in other countries
  • too busy to drive to a therapist’s office
If you are not sure whether e-reading is right for you, feel free to contact Alice for a free initial consultation.

Prayer to Great Creator and Angels - By Donation
Indian believes, "Nada Brahma: The world is sound. From the ancient songs of North America to the song lines crossing Australia, spiritual seekers have always used language - sound. The tone of this prayer may first startle you. These are declarative prayers from Alice pray together with you with connecting God and angels. You may have never read prayers like those, prayer spoken with the confident assurance that God and angels are deeply interested and interactive in our lives. 

Group Sessions

Message Circle
Angels like to help during the time we call them. An old proverb, "When human prays together, angels are always stand on top of them.

Hosting a message circle for your friends or family? It is one of the most incredible experiences, since the group is able to communicate with their guardian angels in a circle of friends or family. Not only will you receive angel guided messages but you will feel the presence of your invisible guardian.

Alice facilitates the connections with her clients and loved angels, every divine guided message to the group will be given through Alice. There is a comforting sense of love, peace and resolution from life transitions and difficulties.

A group teaching is formed with minimum 5 people. 

Support Group

There are variety forms of holy angels be with us. Some of them play the critical roles in protecting a nation or a neighbourhood, such as Almighty Archangel Michael.

Archangel Gabriel is one who are the companion of mothers and children. We have received many reports from our clients claimed that their kids see a white light human form be with them during their bed time, sending them comfort and care while they were alone.

The purpose of support group is bringing the ripple effect of angels' love to different places and neighbourhoods. Alice reaches out to many locations to form the message circle to teaches about filling life with angelic peace, love, compassion, and gratitude towards our body, mind, and spirit. Support Group helps you learn to build the new relationships with your invisible guardians. From here to lead you see the new perspective towards life purposes, hope, and faith from different forms of guardian angels.

From the experiences of Alice, she witnesses a group energy is so powerful to a family, neighbourhood, and a community. From the grattitude letters and emails, those inspire her to spread out this divine gift to the world.

Support Group is created for free to continue bringing the teaching of Divine to the world. Churches, spiritual organizations, and spiritual interest groups are welcome to ask for details.