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"Everyday, I am keep searching for one thing I believe it is great....

....the seeds of Dream that God planted in my heart.

Believing is powerful. I believe dream does come true."

Miracles belong to those who believe it.




Letting Go Self Ego!

One of my client asking me about how should I letting go my ego? She keep feeling embarrassed and frustrated on how she react towards the opinions of others. This reaction always beat her down and piss her off. So, this is want I write for you guys, letting go your self ego!

What Other Think of Me Is None of My Business!

Do what you do because your inner voice always connected to and grateful to your higher Self (Infinite Mind) to directs you. Stay on purpose, detach from outcome, and take responsibility for what does reside in you. Leave your reputation for others to debate; it has nothing to do with you. Remember, What Other Think of Me Is None of My Business!


天使讲座系列之 我的守护天使







一般在孩童3 岁至 7 岁时较容易和天使接触,为什么呢?在您的童年时,是否有遇见这神圣的灵体呢?

在这天使体验的讲座会中,Alice 会细说关于天使的由来与祂们的职务。并且,她将引领天使的降临与您亲身接触,让您了解天使与你的相处方法,聆听祂们给予您的预感和直觉。透过深入浅出的座谈中,让您运用简单即有效的方法呼唤天使,从而得到心灵的释放,拥有圆满的家庭,爱情与工作。

当你遇见天使时,那你又会如何呢?预知详情或报名,请联络 Amber 012-6566996,Alice 012-3670608,Eric 012-3070770,或将你的个人资料电邮至wkhalice@gmail.com 标明为“我的守护天使讲座”,请写上个人姓名,身份证号码及联络电话,我们将尽快回复您。


日期:24/4/2010 (星期六)
时间:10am - 5pm
地点:Glory of Light Office Suite, 8th Floor, Pavillion Kuala Lumpur, 168, Jalan Bukit Bintang, 55100 KualaLumpur

报名截此日期于22/4/2010 (星期三)!



Your Creation


If you understand mandarin, this is a true statement that everyone of us can realise. This statement I write it from an email that I received from one of my client. (I am truly blessed to received it! Thank you.)

"The position of us is like a wine glass, your attitude and manner are the key elemments that fill within the glass. A wine glass may not fill in the quality taste of wine, it could be a dirt liquid. However, a rough claypot may not just fill in the plain water, it could contain a pot of premium grade of tea. The only differences is totally based on your self-creation."

What is Lightworker?

This few months I have been asked by so many times about the term of "lightworker". And here is a simple definition of Lightworker. Basically, a lot of lightworker being awaked ever since 1980. This is due to the universe is unfolding into another stage of realm and frequencies level. As we know, all the stuff and matters we see is only the vibration shown. All of the old pattern thoughts and souls is calling back to the Source (Divine Intelligence/ Infinite Intelligence) to re-transform into another higher level of thought dimension. Thus, the new badge of babies seems more clever, wise, and intelligent for the future world. Also, a group of Indigo Children is found in different corner of the world. (No worry, I will enclosed some reference about Indigo Children in my next post articles)

Lightworkers are those who seek the truth on their spiritual journey toward Enlightenment. They feel the urge to heal others and a deep need to resolve the world's problems . They very often feel compelled to write, teach, or counsel others; and know without a doubt that they are here for a higher purpose. The feel they have a 'mission' to complete, but often may not know precisely what that mission is. There is a sense of urgency. Lightworkers often have psychic abilities and use them for the good of the world. Physically they may suffer from a persistent, sometimes painful 'ringing' in one ear. This ringing is thought to be 'messages' from Higher Beings; information from the fourth dimension being communicated directly to the Heart Chakra, which iss located in our heart centre.

I hope this information will assist you have a better understanding of lightworker. If you have certain cling feeling or "aha" moment now. You may be one of the lightworker being directed by higher beings to read this page.

May all the bless and joy surround you! :)

Love and care,
Alice Hoo


Judging Nothing

Judging nothing is the way to enlightenment. When the mind drops its ideas about how things should be, and accepts what is as it is, then you start experiencing a great liberation inside. This amazing freedom from judgment happens when you are not attached to any particular thought. You are experiencing thoughts flowing through you, yet not clinging to them. Your life then becomes a journey of letting go of the small limited self who was wrapped up in ideas, and begins stepping into the vast boundless unlimited potentiality of who you truly are. The day all your judging drops, total inner peace floods in and a wave of healing and deeper relaxation expands out into the world.

The logical judgmental mind is no match for the spiritual being that you are. The instant you see this, surrender to and you'll instantly drop into being the infinite eternal soul you already truly are. This dropping in wipes the mind clean of all perceptions and deceptions. You are not attached to your mind, unless you believe you are. You are the master of your mind. The mind is a tool to access experiences of the limitless all pervading Self. The moment you see that we are all connected spiritually, and if you harm another you are harming yourself, then the search is over and enlightenment is found. They are just aspects of you anyway since nothing is separate from your Source. So the next time the mind judges someone or something as good or bad right or wrong or whatever, take it in and see what it is that you were judgin g about you. Look at what experience you were most needing to have in that moment and how that judgment was an attempt in creating it. When the mind is truly free and only a pure awareness resides, then enlightenment simply happens.


Nothing is Miracle, Everything is Miracle

When you squeeze your hand, there is nothing inside,
When you open it, you are getting everything.

Things and matters are only defined in the way of thought. There are nothing cause the material things or matter but only thought create it. And every matter has it two extreme poles. It is either define in positive or negative way.

Money can be defined as the cause of the greed and the war, but, it can be measured as the status and recognition. Again, it is only be justified in your way of definition.

Every ancient wisdom carry a similarities on thing happened caused by mind. There is nothing in this universe is real, but only the mind of all. The mind of all also being named as the Infinite Mind.

There would only is, "nothing is miracle" or "everything is miracle". When the love one betray you, you can defined it as a lesson of forgiving, this is a miracle of growth. However, you can also see it as a hatred, and never allow yourself to letting go. So, nothing is your miracle.

Only the moment that you awake, you realize nothing is miracle, but everything is miracle. Life is like a dream, but, it is as real as life.

Again, there is nothing right or wrong, only the way of your definition.


Premonition: Flood Disaster

This is a premonition vision that I gain just now, I received a strong calling to spread this message and hope this calling can help those countries involved in my vision.

I just gain an insight about another flood disaster will happen in some countries nearby tropicana area, especially nearby India, Thailand, Indonesia (South West). I hope all I see will not happen, since lots of people will loss their homes.

Love and care,
Alice Hoo

The Caution You Should See!

When He give me power, I should not deny,
When instinct grow within, I should not mute,
When inspiration alert me, I should not defense,

All I need is listen, and believe, and follow!

He has all the answer,

From the birth of planet, to sound of globe, into new innovation being brought to be seen!

But who listen, and who care?

The sound is hide within everyone, only those who believe and speak out His voice.

His divine message can be seen and known by you.

He make the warning into different form, but who take caution?

Only those who make effort to make people understand His signs.

Have no doubt, only faith and silence can lead you see His creation.

And all His kingdom is yours!

Chanelled message from sacred spirit by Alice Hoo,

The happiest of people don't necessarily have the best of everything;

They just make the most of everything they have!


Fear Not! My Child!

Sometimes life does not happen in the way that we hope and expected. Do not give up! God makes the world and never try to beat you down. Only when you have faith, even though your dream seem silence, it is coming on it ways to happen! Just do it and fear not!

You Are The Only One

It is right and necessary that we should be individuals. The Divine Spirit never made any two things alike - no two rosebushes, two snowflakes, two grains of sand, or two person (even twins vary in character). We are all just a little unique for each wears a different face; but behind each is the One Presence - God.

~Ernest Holmes