Today, it seems a sense of freedom at this morning when I step into office. By playing the song of Enya, her celtic voice sooth my worries. As a spiritual messenger and teacher, I find I am always under “spotlight”, which is a certain perception that people used to describe or perceive me. Getting worry how people would think of me used to get me alert and doing thing in extra caution. Sooner, I realized I have to carry myself in a certain character when I was doing reading for my client. I feel exhausted and drain, I knew I lost my spontaneous and authenticity. Honestly, I did not know what was happening to me. I forced myself to be optimistic no matter what situation seems critical or going wrong. I found myself have no ways out. This sense of lost was killing me and my spiritual self, and I did my best just want to conquer this inner fear and frustration.
After a week, I find much peace in my heart, even though the frustration still sometimes cling in my inner self, but I learn to release it and let it go, without thinking “how to, what to, and when to!”. When I truly let go and let God, wow, I feel a strong sense of peace and joy arise from my heart. It is like the spring water flush through my heart centre. I just wondering, hey, I am recovering now!”
Everyone deserves to hear from angels!
So, I decided to meditate and ask my angel guides, they smile to me and I saw them like a huge light surrounded my body, office chair, office rooms, and even this light spread out into the whole floor. This feeling amazes me. I feel whenever I drop into the darkness time, I always have divine beings surround and love me. During my meditation, I ask the angels, “Can I make everyone of us see you in our mind eyes?” Again, by using my inner telepathy, they answer me with “yes, absolutely!”
After the session of meditate, I write down this feeling, and a strong sense urge me to share in my website with my readers. I decided to pass this holy gift to everyone who comes into my life. My intention is simple, since Love is the real answer for all! Everyone deserves to hear from angels.
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