All things are connected like the blood which unites one family.
All things are connected.
Whatever befalls the earth befall the sons of the earth.
Man did not weave the web of life.
He is merely a strand of it.
Man did not weave the web of life.
He is merely a strand of it.
Whatever he does to the web He does to himself.

Life is tender and rapacious. Everything is fuel for further Life. Further growth. Nothing which I experience counts for nothing. Everything - All joy, all grief, all loss, all grace - is an ingredient in the greater self which I am building. I am not alone. All sense of loneliness is a forgetting. When I remember that I am a part of Life and Life is a part of me. I am comforted. I see my value. I experience my worth. I allow the Universe to touch me with compassion, to cradle me with love and peace. I am held by the web of Life which I hold dear.
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