Miaomi and Fat Tune are the kitten we adopted since 5 years ago.
Miaomi went missing in last 2 months. Deep in my heart has an inner knowing, she left us to depart into another world. I read books about pet transcend into another life and those books help me recover from the grieve and loss. I found that, dogs and cats went missing when they instinctively know the "time" to pass on. Normally, they left their family and choose not to let their owner witness their death. The purpose for animal to do so is intended for reducing the pain of loss them. What a wonderful being they are!
That day when I got my mum's call about her missing, I prayed immediately to Saint Anthony, who is the saint that can help us re-allocate the misplace items. I went panic and did not know what else I can do at that time.
I took a meditation in office, and I asked angel to give me a sign, if my cat is departed and save in the hand of angels. I asked for that sign which is clear enough for me to recognize. 5 minutes later, I was guided to flip my prayer books from Julia Cameron. When the page appeared to me, I could not stop from crying, the message immediately affirmed me about Miaomi is safe and in the arm of God. The words of the prayer shown, "The healing granted to you for the grief and loss from your lovely departed one, knowing that They heard you and love you very much." I was so amazed and relief from that pain of loss even though my tears was not stopping.
That message flush off my guilt towards Miaomi, it heals me from blaming myself not taking good care of her.
I dedicate this little message to my beloved departed loved dogs and cats.
"Please know that how much I love you. My life is getting better and I believe you lend your divine hand every moment when I almost lost my faith. Knowing that our family getting closer, harmony, and loving ever since the visit of your pure souls. The moment you be with us is priceless and no words can describe how grateful I am. Thank you for everything you taught me. It reminds me the inner purity of my soul and love. I received your healing and I still miss you. May all the holy angels be with you in love, peace, and harmony."
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