I remember 2 years ago, I went to Genting Highland with my husband, Eric. During the journey back to our home, a phone call came in. Eric stopped at the roadside just to pick up this call. As I know him since our first date, he never stopped his car to answer any call. He will either plug in his handset or put on the loudspeaker to answer. He spent about 5 minutes to answer this call, then we continue our journey.
About 15 kilometers later, a very heavy raining was nearby the hillside, and Eric drove slowly since that place is a high risk of car accident area. I prayed to Angel Michael to be with us. Just when I finish my prayer, I saw smoke coming to our windscreen. When we could see clearly, Eric step on his break immediately.
It was a serious accident involved 4 cars banged with a truck. I was shocked at this moment since we could be involved if Eric did not stopped by to answer his call. I remember a yellow sedan car drove in front of us, and the driver was hit badly.
When the ambulance came, I silently give thanks to Angel Michael. And I thanks the person who call Eric. The divine intervention save me and Eric from the danger. This was truly a blessing in disguise.
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