I know there are plenty of us have this inner evil that pull us here and there. We are just like the little puppet of these kind of beliefs. And thanks God, Angel Michael points this to me and give me a chance to heal it by love.
My life difficulties give me opportunities to heal myself and walk out from those emotional abuse. We grow up from different families and most probably, we are influenced deeply from our parents or guardians. There are many good things our parents give for us, meanwhile, there are also some old thinking patterns may tied us from expressing our true self.
"There is nothing wrong with our childhood trauma and phobias, those factors only provide a platform for us to heal from it." I remember Archangel Michael affirms me whenever I call for his help.
There are times I almost give up on the challenges that I faced in life. I was thinking I no longer had the ability to move on. What I do when I was upset by difficulties is to pray. I am not that kind of superstitious person, but I found the practice of praying always grant me the peace of mind, just like someone special from above is listening what I feel in heart. It is like a practice I throw my worry to a trash bin and absolutely rely on the nature to bring me strength. Surprisingly, the outcome always delights me.
The quotes that I attached in this post teaches me to see the positive side of everything. When someone try to criticize or blame you. Take a deep breath, the battle is never about you, but it is arisen within themselves. If you can walk away from all these emotional abuses that caused by the external environment and continuously focus on gratitude and love, only those things radiate with love are drawn to you in the peaceful way.
God blesses you everyday. I pray that you have a marvelous future and rise above from any circumstances.
I can do it.
You can do it.
We all can do it. ;)
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