During this Chinese new year, I am lucky I have 10 days as my break. As what I have planned earlier, I hope to do writing and reading to finish my manuscript. Sometimes, my angels remind me, "you just keep waiting the 'Aha Moment'...create it rather than waiting it". I wonder how can I obtain the divine insight. Just what a coincidence I was in my god sister home reading Fortune magazine. The topic was mention about how Steve Jobs change the economy downturn and how his insight and six senth has lead him create a new consumer trend.
This remind me about Andrew Carnegie and Henry Ford, this is what the biographer has conclude that most of the industries giant have a certain divine inspiration lead them to develop the new trend, they can simply grow their wisdom through within while using the resources they on hand. So, I ask angel, "is it everyone of us can be the leading giant in our specific field?" Or simply because they just "lucky" enough to have this particular talent?
The answer is, it is not simply based on luck. It is too poor to say someone use their luck to success? The lucky and chances that fly over to you is the sum result of your faith, plus wisdom, and plus attraction form from your inner conscious (subconscious and superconscious) that you may not simply observe.
"And five of them were wise, and five were foolish. They that were foolish took their lamps, and took no oil with them." --Matthew 25:2:3
If you prepare for what you fear, you begin to attract it!
The interpretation from this revelation means that the foolish virgins could not receive more than was in their conscious, or what they were vibrating to. It is as same like God gave 3 billions
to a carpenter who just know how to build chair and nothing else. So what he only know is take this money to bank and save it to gain interest. Real estate agents might introduce him to invest any properties in order to double up the principle money. But he may reject them due to his conscious only know to save money for rainy day. What you prepare for and you will get it. Very soon a disaster happen to the banker and his account was freezed without getting single pens. This is a simple story, cover with a law that mention, all you have gained now is totally based on the sum you have in your mind. Only you expand your conscious and awareness towards your dream. You can communicate frequently with angel or divine beings using the affirmation and prayers. You will like order the things fom the heaven catalogue.
Steve Jobs was not lucky to have today, everyone of us have our divine plan before we come back to experience our life through our five senses, Jobs just getting his divine plan by keep believing what he inner eyes can see. Thus, he can smell the new invisible trends as opportunity but others see as obstacles.
Finding you divine plan by simply allow you to listen your inner gut, it might not seems reasonable at first, use prayers and affirmation statement as this "I call on the law of accumulation. My supply comes from God, and now pours in and piles up, under grace and perfect ways."
Everyday make a wise choice, either you want to be wise and stand tall to your faith, or you simply just want to follow your "reason"...You got to choose, choose but not like a foolish virgins.
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