I was guilty that since a week ago I have posted my last blog article. This is what I always remind myself, share my stories with my beloved reader. And all this while I can hear my angel remind me to write my journal while doing this divine job in this world.
Today is the first day of Chinese New year, base on Chinese tradition, we would visit our parents and grandparents if you married. Thus, today I follow my husband going back to his hometown to visit his grandmother. Honestly, we seldom back to visit his grandma (father side) after his dad divorced with his mum. After our wedding, today is my forth time follow him go back to hometown.
Love is in the air, and every moment, love is the strongest force in this universe. It is never born and never died.
As just step into his grandma house, a warm and caring face appear in front of the door to welcome us. That's his grandma. We have a short chatting and having lunch there. After I have finish my lunch, I can see his pass away grandpa standing outside the house seems looking me as a medium to pass a message to his family and grandchildren.
Just a coincidence, his aunt request me to do a reading for her regarding their family issue (after they just know me as a spiritual messenger from my mother-in-law). Before I just start doing the channeling. I can see all grandchildren already sat in the living room want to listen for this channeling (I believe his grandpa lead them together, since every new year I can seldom see this situation happen).
From the starting till the end of the channeling, I can see his grandpa hope their grandchildren can respect their ancestor without judging the older generation. From this family, they have the problem to trust each other even a simple respect from brother toward sister. And I can see his grandpa never leave them after his death. This is what I can see he still care about his family and next generation.
I believe every one of us have our own protector or you may call them as your guardian angels. Some of them are your ancestor or grandparents. I have seen so many grandparents' spirit be with their grandchildren when they are in the play ground. Again, this reminding me about "Love is in the air, and every moment, love is the strongest force in this universe. It is never born and never died." It is just waiting us to experience when we start to give.
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