Today, I just having lunch with my ex-colleague (by the way I treat her as my sister, we just have too many thing to share!). Everytime, I feel angels always nudge me towards her. Even just a simple greeting will make myself feel better to her, and I easily find strength to help this friend. No matter in career, dreams, financial, I keep receiving divine message to guide this friend.
In last week, my inner vision flashing her image few times. For my own ego reason of tight schedule, I let go this inner nagging. Again, this morning when I drive into the car park basement while passing by her office building, my inner ear hear a voice loudly but gently saying that, "Call her, now!" I know something going to say or do to her again. Without procrastinate this angelic message, I make a call invite her for lunch (so lucky that I have spare time today! Nothing is so coincidence!), and she agree with my invitation. Wow, I felt release immediately after that call. I getting weird by doing this sudden arrangement, yet getting excitement that we might share a lot of laughter later on...
After she turn up in our lunch, a strong sense of uneasiness and stress flush through my inner belly, I know something not so right to her. By asking her directly, I just use a lovely greeting and ask that whether or not something holding her back. Through our conversation, I listen my angels and her guardian angels channel through my inner ears and whispering that, "she needs someone to understand her." I am pretty surprise that she turn up in this mood. Ever since I know her, she is a girl that having a kind heart and treating everyone sincerely. However, I cannot find this energy from her anymore. I sense that she is lost, hiding, telling beautiful lies by carry herself in the stronger outlook. I know this was not right by having my intuitive ability towards anyone without their consent. So, I simply turn my attention towards the foods that she ordered (because I cannot deny the thought I just listen from above!).
During our conversation, she starts sharing her story about her relationship. This relationship is giving lots of burden and causing her losing thrust towards people. She even start building up a wall intend to avoid her sincerity being used in wrong way. I feel a heart pain when I heard this; I pray to angels silently, “please help her in anyways that she deserves, love please. Love sending to her now.” (This prayer I always use for my client while their ego self counterstrike me whenever they do not thrust me!) After the pray, she look at me, with a smile and say, I do not know why, I just feel a strong feeling towards this guy even though I know I should not do it (the man is a married man). And immediately I heard another message as “this relationship is the unfinished lesson that she needs to learn, once she simply allow herself to accept what happen to her, she will stop this unfinished lessons and cutting the cords of karma.” Oh my god, I get chill run through my skin. And by telling her this, she say the same thing as she has asking her angels to help, that she can easily listen angels tell her about the past life lesson being brought up into this life time.
By consoling her, I also recommend her doing a regression to letting go the grief that she had. She admits that this grief and pain causing her lost the thrust and passion in life. As a friend, I encourage her to simply allow the things happen and pass “through” her, rather than try her ways to “alter” the things happen in her predictable ways.
As a human, I do have this situation by trying to make the things happen in the certain ways that I feel comfort. But keep on doing this, we simply blocking the natural and divine flow going through our life. Since we may not know the person that we dislike could be the person inspire us. The sudden changes in job (such as being fired, retrenchment, or lost the passion to do the same work) also could be a turning point in our future life. It is no need for us to feel guilt when sometimes we lost in the middle of life. You will never find yourself, when you never lost yourself before.
By simple saying yes and forgive without demand a reason, you can easily find freedom arise in your heart. Just like holding a deep breath and exhale thoroughly, it costs nothing to you, even it may bring an inner peace and calm. In our life, we may not know when is our last day to say goodbye to someone that we love and care. Thus, keeping a grateful heart no matter where we are going, it is exactly like welcoming peace into home.
It is no need must be right, even though you have win a debate but losing someone that you care, you will realized you do not gain the true happiness, you would only found numbness and emptiness due to the guilt of your own mistake. When you see the divine perfection of others, you see the divine beauties of your own.
Let us forgiving our past, the more we can forgive, the faster we are able to drop the emotional baggage (hatred, anger, grief, and guilt). Very soon, peace and calm entering our heart silently.