Today, I just think back how I start praying to Jesus when I am a buddhist. Honestly speaking, I have been asked by so many christian clients that what religion I belong to. I said, "I am a buddhist, I belong to God, and Lord that bible is stated." They normally look at me in weird but smiley way.

I believe in Jesus, and I gain so much of strength and courage everytime I pray to Him. My practice is, I pray to God, Father Jesus, Mother Mary, and Mother Guan Yin, and Archangel Michael simultaneously. I see Their existence as the only "eternal love". They never pointing finger to each other that, "your God is not my God, and you cannot have this rituals as seems as demon's doing!"
I have no mean to offense any follower of the religion, what I am saying and making a stand to tell you is, God is the only one, and Jesus, Guan Yin, Ganesha, Vishnu (Hindu God), Mother Mary are the same. They are loving, gentle and helpful to all earnest souls. They protect and watch over every living beings in this planet and other dimensions of existence.
I cannot remember the exact date when I start Jesus's prayers. What I recall is, I saw Jesus in one of my meditation. He was coming from a white light, the white light is strong but never make any discomfort to my mind eye vision. He opened his arm and hugging me. I did not see Him talking. Most of the time, I use mind to communicate with Him. He sends the inner knowing to guide me during my despair time. There are few times He comes together with Mother Guan Yin and Mother Mary. They are all light being in my spiritual vision.
When the time I get worry and lost, I start pray and talk to Jesus. Even though I have never attend any Sunday class in church or mass before, I create my own ways to talk with Jesus. And what surprise me is, whatever I pray earnestly, those prayers always come true. That is why people always wondering my luck is coming from what source. Thank you, Jesus.

P/s: I write this diary in my office at 5 o'clock, what make me amaze is, a strong sunlight pour and shining into my office room table from the top roof's window, and the light shine on the company logo, " Glory of Light". I believe, Jesus try to tell me that this is a miracle, "this is a Glory of the Light!" And another thing excites me is, I saw a little rainbow reflected by the sunlight and shine on my couch. It is beautiful! I am blessed and under grace! Amen.
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