Everyone of us has a purpose to be here!
I believe everyone of us has something needed to be done when we are here. No matter what race we are, how old we are, or educated or none. We are mean to fulfill something that really mean to our heart.
During my primary school time, teacher asked us to fill the ambition list. I remember I wrote my ambition list as to be "teacher". When I grow up, lots of people comment the job of teaching is not profitable. Doctor, lawyer, accountant is more welcome in the market. But, I hate number, I scare about blood, and when I memorise the laws or acts will make me vomit! So, how am I going to be professional?
Honestly speaking, I just do not like that particular jobs! So, my teacher found me put myself on trouble if I want to be a teacher, may be he was having the bad expeience in his teaching life. I guess so. I had been told to aim high, at least more than teaching.
I like to question myself, can anyone tell me what is the best job for me? I was looking for this ever since I graduated from university. The bad news is, I have not find my best job. But the good news is, I create a job that is sing the joy from my heart. As a spiritual messenger, I can have the chances to contribute and share the higher wisdom through my gifted chanelling skill. And I like to inspire and empower people to find their meaning in life.
When someone is able to know who they are, knowing they can do more than they expected, and they will realized all resources they need will be attracted regardless struggle.
Are you doing what you love to do?
May be yes, or no?
Are you doing what you good at?
Yes, no?
Are you taking any action to do what is important for you?
And, answer honestly to yourself please!
You may wonder there is hesitation to answer these questions when you are not enjoy what you are doing now. I believe there is an innate ability born within you. Find something to do that is sing to your heart. Do not care whether or not it is possible, just find your master piece that you own within you.
When you got it, you will find all the ways and achieve them. That is your passion!