It is not an easy road, but once you try, please go little further!
When I turn on the songs, music start coming out from speakers. A lot of complicated emotions slowly rising up from my belly. It is almost one and half year that I am doing the job as so called "spiritual messenger" in Malaysia.
Recalling that starting time, I have no money to print my business card. In the meantime, I also strugglling what is the title I should put on my card? God woman? Tarot Reader? Or Spirit Medium....I was really struggle on that. God made a joke to me, He withdraw me from corporate jobs, and show me some visions and experiences that I have never had before. First time I saw Mother Guan Yin appeared in front of me, being a channel by different masters of light. Unforgettable.
At that time, I started my own little passion in "helping people to find their light path"....Huh, I think it was just so funny to tell other my dream is to become a regional sales manager in bank. But now....I am the little one sit in front of a table to do the reading for people. How come my heart feel so blessed and happy? It should not be in this way? That kind of feeling is different when I get promoted or getting paid. It is just like a spring water coming out from the bottom of heart. Ya...peace and love!
Starting my reading place in a mini cafe, a very nice couple friends offer me their place. So, it started my spiritual reading from the first day....until today! It is happy to recall the moment how I get my rewards when people offer to me after my service. Free lunch, free Starbucks coffee, sandwhiches, little pocket money...wow! That feeling grow into a powerful motivation. I wanted to help more people.
Everyday, I sit in front of my office table, listening the stories of others. I learned about compassion from my master, Mother Guan Yin. I chanelled Her holy message to help from ten to twenty...to hundreds of people.
Slowly, I received an inner calling urged me, "why not I just start teaching people in a small class? Why not I just open a workshop. That was sound really good. I started to learn about energy and music healing when spirit guides nudge me along the way. Including I am writing this article, I can write it from the bottom of my heart without worrying my grammar mistakes. Because I know, my only intention is to share!
Sooner, I moved my little place into a bigger office, continue my spiritual job. Day in and out, my business was going really good. I have lots of stories to learn everyday! Finally and unexpectedly, an opportunity came in, I get the offer from a leasing agent. He offer me to move into KL Pavillion office when my old office tenancy was closed. Wow, I could not believe my dream came true so rapidly. Pavillion was always a place I like to "hide", especially in Times bookstore. I like to read.
I really appreaciate everything, everyone have passed by along my path. Some of them were impressive, some of them were forgot. I am wondering how am I able to walk along this way? Since when I took the first step to quit my job in bank, it really took me a lot of courage.
I need to give the credits to my lovely parents, sister and husband. They give me so much of supports. Sometimes I was afraid to move forward, I did not even dare to make a call to them. Tears always become a great tools for me to release. Luckily...I already learn the ways to pray and talk to angles!
It is not an easy route, but once you try, please go little further. You will never want to go back.
Thank you for everything that I have.