This afternoon when I was back to office after my lunch, I opened my laptop and the desktop wallpaper show my beloved pet, Daniel. He is a dalmation and picked up by my younger brother in 2003 along roadside. Daniel left us on 12th October 2010. That was a Tuesday morning when he left us due to kidney failure. I miss him alot after he departed into the other world.
We buried him in the sidewalk nearby our house. I say hello to him whenever I walk through that place. This afternoon as usual, I talked to Daniel through his picture on my laptop. I express my feeling, thinking, and missing to him. And I was wondering how his life would be now? I closed my eyes and take a rest after this prayerful conversation.
Within a minute, I was guided to switch on my iPod and play songs. I randomly played the song from the albums. The first song was "My Wish" of Rascal Flatt. When I listened to that song, I feel a strong sense of peace and comfort. In my mind eye, I saw Daniel. He was wavering his tail and I can hear his barking. "I can feel his presence, Daniel is here with me." I told myself.
Again, I was guided to Google search the lyric. I was so amazed, because the lyric shown the answer of my prayer. I cried when I read it. I thanks to Daniel. He gaves me so much of strength and faith whenever I was lost and confused.
I wiped off my tears, and taking out a prayer book that I usually use in my reading session. I asked a guided prayer from the Universe. So, I randomly flipped, and this page turned to me. I would like to share this passage with you. It heals and comforts me.
"You miss those who have departed. Of course you do. They have your love. But love does not die, nor do lovers. Those who have left us are with us still. We are all one. There is one pure energy that unites us all. Feel our union, not our separation. Feel our communion and our grace. Open your heart to the more that awaits.
Those who have gone are with us still. We do not walk alone. Spirits advise us. Spirits comfort us. Spirits partner us on our journeys. To know this fact, we need only open our heart to it. Our loved ones are waiting, ready and eager for our touvh. We open the gate to their presence. We invite their counsel and love. We are the one who have slipped out of touch. They remember us. We are their beloved and they love us still. Talk to them.
Do not be sorrowing and shy. Reach out in faith and allow connection to continue. Life is richer than we dream. Life is eternal. Life does not die. Our beloveds change their form but not their essence. They continue hold us dear and to touch our lives.
All of life is alive to us. There are forces and forms beyond our imaginings that intend us good. Open your heart to higher forces. Allow life to move through you. Reach out to those who have moved on. Offer your love, your faith, your continued friendship. Receive the blessing intended for you from those who have stepped beyond."
This message inspire me, and it proves that "they" are still with us at all time. "They" listen to our prayers, wishes, and desires. All we can do is, speak and ask.
May you find peace from your sorrow.
May you gain strength when you are weak.
May you meet faith when you are confused.
Remember, you are not alone!
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