Few years back, I have an old schoolmate always pray whenever she faces any difficulties. She encouraged me to do this when I find no way to go.
A year ago, a client of mine, Amy was facing the financial problems when she migrates to Australia since August 2009. She used to be an accountant. I remember she was in despair when she just moved there. Because of the rejections of few employers, she almost lost the faith in herself towards her career opportunity.
She wrote me an email and asked for guidance. By doing the email reading, I found her seldom prays. What I mean here, the pray from the spiritual ways. She is the one resist to the smell of inscent. Thus, she thought I was asking her to pray by inscent. I suggested her to used the "Affirmative Prayer" to solve her financial restriction.
I told her, there is always a power that can help you if you believe. Personally, I have found that there is an answer to every problem. And I suggest her to apply the power of prayer. Somewhat surprised, the discouraged Amy said, "Of course, I believe in prayer, but perhaps I do not know how to pray. You speak of it as something practical to suit my situation right now. I never thought prayer can be profoundly affect my life. But I'm willing to try prayer if you will show me how."
" What things soever ye (you) desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them." Mark xi. 24
So, if you have not experienced this power, perhaps you need to learn new techniques of prayer. It is well to study some of the effective and creative ways of praying. So, I took out a book, "The Game of Life" by Florence Scovel Shinn that my husband bought. I flip to the page of financial security prayer. From that book, it teaches me the new insight about prayer.
It is important to realise that you are dealing with the most tremendous power in the world when you pray. Of course you will not asked to use an old-fashioned kerosene lamp for illumination. Bear in mind, the secret of prayer is to find the process that will most effectively open your mind humbly with the Creator, God. Any method through which you can stimulate the power of God to flow into your mind is legitimate and usable.
After I wrote a series of financial security prayers and send to Amy, and requested her to practise it continuously for 7 days. And I got her good news after 1 year. When I met her last week, she got a job in Victoria City, Melbourne. (That's the place I like too!) She now working in an organic planting firm which educate people about the awareness of environmental protection. She is a trainer and facilitator in the company events. She loves her job. She took many photo and show me during my consultation session. From her eyes, I saw the excitement and passion that I've never seen she had.
This job is what she long desires when she stayed in Malaysia. However, she had been told by her friends to give up on this dream about "Planting the future". She love trees and small plants. And what she is doing now she believes her prayer is answered perfectly.
So, I share the following affirmative prayer were adapted from Ernest Holmes' book "This Thing Called You".
I refuse to worry about anything. I have complete confidence that the God who is always with me is able and willing to direct everything I do, to control my affairs, to lead me into the pathway of peace and happiness.
I free myself from every sense of condemnation, either against myself or others. I lose every sense of animosity. I now understand that there is a Principle and a Presence in every person gradually drawing them into the kingdom of good. I know that the kingdom of heaven is at hand, and I am resolved to enter into this kingdom, to possess it, and to let it possess me. Worry is a thing of the past, and I am free, peaceful, and at rest. In calm trust, I let it be so. And so it is.
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