"Prayers, affirmative suggestion, and faith practising." How can we do it? Here you go...
The ways to success:
Find out the thing you love to do.Find out the thing you love to do, then do it. Unless you love your work, you cannot possiblt consider yourself successful at it, even if the worls hails you as a great success. If you love your work, you have a deep desire to carry it out. You wake up in the early morning, follow your passion to work on the things that you love to do. If someone is drawn to become doctor, its is not enough for him to get a diploma and certificate and hang it on the wall. He will want to keep up his knowledge and experience, attend medical convention, continue studying the field and its working. He will work harder to read more medical journals and researches to improve the effectiveness of his patients' condition.
Some of you may wondering what is the thing you love to do. You find yourself thinking, "I can't start the first step since I don't know what it is I want to do. How do I find the thing that I will love?" If this is your current situation, pray for guidance in this prayer:
"I am under direct inspiration. God reveals to me my true place in life."
Repeat this prayer quietly, positively, and lovingly under you feel it sink into your inner being. When you persist with faith and confidence, the answer and inspiration will come to you as a feeling, a hunch, or a tendency in a certain direction. I remember when I pray for the guidance of my real path, I received a strong hunch to urge me reading books, and from reading the books that I am guided to, the answer comes from books gave me the direction to move forward and act on.

Specialize in the work you passionate about.The second step is essentially to speacialize in the work and strive to excel it. A young client of mine chooses publishing as a his profession, even though he came from minor experience. He concentrate on one of the branches of publishing (Interior Design advertisement) and give all his time and attention to the knowledge of interior design . His esthusiasism will make him want to know all there is available about ID. I told him, if possibly, he should know more than anyone else about ID publishing. This young man become ardently interested in his work and he should be used to serve the world.
He that is greatest among you, let him become your servant.
There is an enormous difference between the attitude of the young man -"passionate mind" and for those who wants only to make living or just "get by". This passionate mind cause him received a reward of young entrepreneur in ID publishing industry. The size of his publishing firm began from 3 working staffs add on to 28 team workers today. People's motives must be greater, nobler, and benevolent. They must serve others, thereby their rewards give upon them in abundance.

The third step is the most important one. You must be sure that the things you want to do does not contribute only to your own success. Your desire must not be selfish. It must benefit humanity. There is a law in this Universe. The work you do like forming a circuit. In other words, your idea must go forth with the purpose of blessing or serving the world. It will come back to you magnified and full of blessings.
If you work only for your own benefit, you do not complete this essential circuit. Sooner you will find you appear to be successful, but this short circuit you have formed in your life may lead over time to limitation or sickness.
Thus, the real things of life, such as peace, harmony, intergrity, security, and happiness, are intangible. Helen Keller said, "The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt in heart. Meditating on these qualities build these treasures of heaven in our inner essence. That is the true place where
...moth and rust do not consume, and where thieves do not break through and steal. ~Matt 6.20
*Credit to "The power of your subconscious mind", Dr. Joseph Murphy, 2000 Reward Books.
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