Almost three years has passed, and yesterday when I took out all of my Angel Reading journals, I found that it is mean for me to read back those journals.
I have a bunch of self discovery journals, diaries, angel channeling messages that I have kept for three years and still seeking the courage to post it on my blog. Yesterday, when I say a prayer,
"Divine Intelligence, open the path for me, to express my full talents and unique abilities in the right place, give me the definite leads, guide my act according to the divine will. Thank you and I honestly love you."
This morning while I was driving to work, a hunch feeling says to me, "Why don't you compile all your journals and make it as a book? You may help many others that need this information. God never reveals something to you if those messages do not serve you. All you need, is a climbing faith. It is an uphill climb. Most people give up their will just in the middle of this climb. Learn not to reason something you want to do, as reason can only go so far, but your faith has no limits. Only when you keep believing, and listen to the truth in your heart. Sooner you find the inner bliss to guide you and nudge you along the way. I know this is hard for you, but come on! You cannot experience cool when you have never been in warm, you cannot recognize light, when you have not experience darkness. Put your whole faith and conviction on light and love. Only Light can lead you out from this tunnel. It is really all about ACT ON FAITH. Let no one teach you what you can or cannot do, but do the best that you can, and know that God surely does the rest."
At that point, I sit in the car, this inner voice and hunch just like the fresh water, wash through my heart, my mind, and my soul. I could not believe I was touch by a Power. I gain strength when I listen to my inner voice.
I parked my car and I walk into a cafe having my breakfast, the flow of inner message just continue running on my heart ceaselessly.
I tell myself silently, "Just do what you can, believe the truth in your heart is God's definite lead. Abraham Lincoln listened to it and won the battle of slave trade, Washington follow it and get himself walked out from difficulties. You cannot be wrong, if all your thinking is right on course. Just trust."
Yeap, may be you may think. Well, it is good to say and hear this. But listen, I am not here to convince you what I experience is a fact or is simply my thought from my subconscious mind. But what I try to say here is, there is a Power, lies within every single things and take charge of every form. This Power you can named it as Cosmic Energy, Universe, God, Creator...
If you really pray sincerely, using the right intentions (Love, Joy, Happiness, Abundance, Well). You got to believe, this Power starts to emerge Itself and show the miracles in your life. It happens in my life many times. I have a Attraction List that I keep with me, whenever Law of Attraction gives things that I asked for, I write down my gratitude message in this little journal. When I focus on all the good and blessings in my life, Power flows into every affairs of my life.
You can have what you dream of, when you set your intention right on course. Do your best, God sooner shows you the rest. Never give up on your dream, you may be surprised, it comes in the most unexpected moment. This is for sure I know!
I salute the divinity in everyone of you, God bless your life. :)
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