I was wondering, where my Norway's journal was put after I came back. I refer to my picture gallery, and try to searching my travel pictures that I took on my trip.
Yes, it is all about Norway. This morning when I start my brand new day, I say some positive affirmations and a silent prayer. A deep profound inner voice came and guide me to post my journal when I wrote in Norway here.
How my Norway's journey started...
Hmm...when I recall all the way back to February this year, this is how this glimpse of thought finally came true to me. That was a friend of mine who studies in London, and had invited me to her place and visit the beauty of London. Well, London is one of my dream place that I wish to go, I used to have a chance to study in UK. Due to the high maintenance and study fees, I gave up the opportunity during my time in college.
This time, I decided to buy my fly ticket to London, things seems started to work out. During that moment of prepare my trip, I was facing financial difficulties, and I worried about how can I cope with my travel fares. Few weeks later, many clients suggest me doing Angel Reading for the Londoner. This idea was not make sense to me at that time. I prayed to God and Angels, hopefully I can gain the insight on what to do next. And God heard my prayer, 2 days later I went on to a gathering from my leadership support group, a friend heard about my trip, he offers his help and make some arrangement for me to do Angel Reading session in Liverpool, London. At that time, I was amazed how things worked out after all.
However, this is only one part from the whole picture. God always does everything in most harmonious way. My flight ticket shown the date to fly off was on 16 March, and during the second week of February, I was become panic and still finding the solutions to cope for my travel fees. At that point, an affirmative thought flashed in, "If God let me successfully buy my air ticket to London, surely He will show me the rest of what I need on this trip. All I need is to live the fullest on today, the next clue will unfold just at the right time. I can do it, I can do it, and I surely can do it." I silently affirm myself, the firm and inner steadiness gave me the strength to live on.
I started to practice what I learn from the film - The Secret, and I started to read the travel hot spot and articles about London, I put all of my attention and focus only to my bliss and joy. And I start to plan my itinerary, yet, due to my limited information and I need some final confirmations on my Angel Reading appointment in London, I decided to write a letter to God and Angels. I write down what I need in this letter and put into my God's box,
Dear God,Thank you for helping me all this while, you know I am going to fly off soon to London. God, please help me to plan my London's itinerary, I also wish to visit Scotland and Ireland during this trip. I need Your divine guidance that can guide me accordingly.Thank you God, and I honestly love you!Love,Alice
God's box is one of my visulization tools that I found it bring a great impact for all my dreams can come true. Many clients find that "Visualization" allows their imagination turn into reality. And, it can manifest as accurate as you think about.
So, I asked Angels to send my letter to God, and I let go of my worry and doubt. I patiently do my daily appointments, writing blog and some angel healing articles. Until one evening, my cell phone rang while I reached home. A client of mine would like to bring a friend from Norway and she was keen to have an Angel Reading session before she get off. I booked a slot for her, and that was how I met this client.
Georgia is one of the mental healer in Norway, Oslo. We met each other and her Angel Reading session was done as usual and surprisingly our energy exchange during the session was easy and clear. She has a strong connection with Angels. After the session, we have a cup of coffee and I found out that she also teaches children in Norway. And she strongly encouraged me to make my effort to visit Norway as this may be a good chance for me to explore her teaching for children.
I have a dream, I always desire to teach children about angels, visualization and believing on the good side of everything. Her invitation was ringing on my mind during the rest of the night. I always wish I can visit Norway, as since my 16 years old. I read a magazine named as "Newton", it introduces everything about northern light, officially named as aurora borealis. It also open a new landscape for me to understand this piece of land, Norway. And this wish was kept in my heart for more than 15 years.
I know there is nothing too good to be true, who knows this could be God answered my prayer. In the law of attraction, when the Universe gives you what you desires, please open yourself to receive. Yes, because of this, I claim my faith, I made my effort to book my flight ticket to Norway. Again, I make it done and arrange my accommodation in Oslo, Norway.
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